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Best Mattress Store in Columbia, SC

You’re in the market for a new mattress. Maybe yours is worn out, or you’re waking up with backaches. Maybe you’re moving and ready for a fresh start, or you’d simply like a larger mattress. There’s no need to spend thousands to get a comfortable night’s sleep–that’s why you should come to the best mattress store in Columbia, SC!

Deceptive Advertising

You may be lured in to a retail mattress store by the flashy “sales” advertising and low-price promises. Those sales don’t look quite as good, however, when you realize that there are added charges for incidentals like delivery and taking away the old mattress. The enticing sale prices tend to reflect the absolute rock-bottom in quality as well. Once you get in the store, you’ll find that the quality of mattress you actually want costs quite a lot more.

The Solution & Why We Are The Best Mattress Store

When you come into Mattress Warehouse, you’ll find our “No bull” policy means that our bottom-line price is clearly marked. No sales, no gimmicks, and no hidden fees. We buy our mattresses direct from the factory by the truckload, and wholesale them to the public. Since we skip the fancy showroom and the suit-and-tie approach to sales, our costs are greatly reduced. We pass that savings onto our customers so they too think we are the best mattress store!

Shop in Peace

We don’t believe in pestering our customers into buying a more expensive mattress than they need. Although we’re not going to follow you around and use high pressure sales tactics, our team is knowledgeable and ready to answer any questions you may have. We can help you determine which type of mattress best fits your needs and budget, and discuss the types of materials and firmness you prefer, when you’re ready. When you come into Wholesale Mattress, you’ll find we’re dedicated to giving you the best mattress-buying experience possible–that’s why we are considered the best mattress store in Columbia, SC!


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Dreaming about Getting Better Sleep?

we've got a friendly, knowledgable, passionate-about-sleep, straight-shooting, no bull sleep expert near you.

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