Local Chiropractor Spotlight: Part 1

John Madden discusses spinal alignment and the importance of a quality mattress with local chiropractor Barbara Hess.

Hi, I’m Dr. Barbara Hess from Hess Performance and Family Chiropractic on Clement Ferry Road in Charleston, South Carolina. And I wanted to introduce John Madden from No Bull. He had come to me with a very unique line of mattresses that help support the spine and are excellent with spinal hygiene, which is so important for our overall health. And so he came in and he explained to me how he had had chiropractors and orthopedic surgeons help him develop this line of 10 mattresses. So it’s a mattress that fits anybody at any level that they’re at, whatever their needs are. So can you tell us more about?

Yeah. Thanks, Doc. Yeah. So we did. I consulted with 15 different orthopedic surgeons, spine centers, chiropractors, so on and so forth to develop a lineup of 10 mattresses, specifically designed to keep the spine straight throughout the night, eliminates sleeping hot, and eliminate pressure points. We found, medically, not just from the spine standpoint, but as you know, Doc, the chiropractic manifestsates itself into millions of different ways all over your body. And similarly, the synergy with a mattress that will keep the spine straight throughout the night, keep the neck in a neutral spine angle, will help your efforts. And so this lineup of mattresses, while they feel very different because they’re made out of different kinds of components, all of them are designed to do the exact same thing, which is keep the spine straight throughout the night, eliminate sleeping hot, and eliminate pressure points. And we’re finding just miraculous results from it.

I think it’s amazing because we do spend 6-9 hours in bed. It’s so important that we keep spinal health at a daily… It’s a daily hygiene. It’s something that you’re going to pay a I’ve mentioned to regularly because it’s what you do over a little small time of changes over a long period of time is what allows for graceful aging of the spine.

Yeah, 100 %. I know that you’ve got thousands of stories of patients that went down this road with you with chiropractic and found all of a sudden their glaucoma was gone. It manifestsates itself in so many unforeseen ways, the miracle that is chiropractic. And going right along with that, you’re right. Somebody can come in and get fantastic care from you. But if they go home and they’re sleeping on a non-supportive mattress, they’re undoing a lot of the work that you’re doing in there. And we found that they really are so synergistic working together. We’re maintaining at night what you’re doing for them during the day.

It’s very synergistic. That’s an excellent point because when people invest time and money to come in to get their spine moving again and realign, what you do outside is it supports. So there is, you come in, you get passive care from me, but what you do outside is your active care.

So excellent point. And both of them work so well together because a great mattress can only do so much. Dr. Hess can only do so much. But if you put the two of them together, the synergy is great because she’s making it right while you’re physically at her office. Then what you do after the fact can either thwart that or not. We’re really working on doing. Excellent.


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