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Foam Mattress Differences

Foam Mattress Differences

There are many differences between an inner spring mattress and a foam mattress, and between memory foam mattresses themselves. Each type of mattress has advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to consider your personal sleeping style when choosing the right mattress for you.

Foam Mattress

Foam Mattress, Memory Foam
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Memory Foam Difference

A “memory foam mattress” is a broad description that covers any mattress made of a foam material with viscoelastic properties. In general, foam mattresses are either made from solid blocks or layers of foam of different types to create a unique sleeping experience. The advantages of foam mattresses are comfort if you prefer a very-soft sleeping surface or suffer from pressure points, and durability. Over five years’ time, most memory foam mattresses do not lose their support. They may offer relief from pressure and offer better opportunity for efficient blood flow. On the con side, some foam mattresses sleep “hot,” retaining body heat and making the sleeper feel uncomfortably warm. They may not be suitable for people who tend to sleep on their stomach and prefer a firmer mattress.

Inner Spring Mattress

Inner spring mattresses are less expensive, in general. They offer a greater variety of sleep surfaces, from firm to soft, and can be used with a memory foam topper to mimic the softness of a foam mattress at a fraction of the cost. They tend to offer better air circulation and less heat retention. Some people prefer the firmer surface of an inner spring mattress. If you tend to sleep on your stomach, or flat on your back, you may prefer the additional support of an inner spring mattress and box spring to help keep your spine and joints aligned. Come down to Mattress Warehouse to explore the various types of mattresses and let our knowledgeable sales people help you find the right mattress for you.


There are several types of foam mattresses, including memory foam, latex foam, and polyfoam. Each type of foam has different properties and can provide different levels of support and comfort.
Latex foam is a type of foam made from the sap of rubber trees. It is known for its durability and responsiveness, providing support and comfort for the body.
Memory foam and latex foam have different properties and provide different levels of support and comfort. Memory foam contours to the shape of the body and provides pressure relief, while latex foam is more responsive and provides a more buoyant feel.

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